User control panel - Order history, tracking, and address information

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User control panel - Order history, tracking, and address information

Post by exxos »

The UCP page has been updated to allow faster checkout and recover your order history.

If you purchase items from the webstore, fill out your name and address in your profile for faster checkout.

To view your order history and tracking numbers, you need to put your order number in the order number box and the email address you used from that order in the email box.

UCP.JPG (84.94 KiB) Viewed 32254 times

Click submit to save and when you click the "EXXOS STORE" tab your information will be listed.


ucp2.JPG (78.88 KiB) Viewed 32254 times

Clicking on the tracking code will take you directly to the courier tracking page.

Clicking on the order number will list your order.

NOTE: If you previously had a email token entered you may see the token in the order number box. You need to delete that number and place a order number in the box now.


If you didn't get a store receipt then this is a problem with your mail provider and I can't fix that. You need to use a better email address. I've already wrote pages on those problems. Stripe also sends credit card receipts outside of my server. If you don't get those, then again your email provider is to blame for blocking them.

I cannot resend stripe receipts and I cannot resend store receipts. This is why I wrote the forum module to allow people to at least recover your order history. The whole system is scripted and the script in the store module regenerates the store receipts. This is the only way and you need to follow the above steps. I cannot do this for you as I don't have access to your forum account! Once you verify a valid store email and order number, you will get your order history. There is no other way to get this information and I cannot manually send you such information either. I cannot send any other information as I simple do not have it.

I am not a huge company and I am not vat registered either. I do not give out my personal information on receipts either. I've had to much stress in the past with that. If your not happy about this, then please don't order from the store. I am only 1 person and there is only so much I can deal with each week. All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Re: User control panel - Order history, tracking, and address information

Post by exxos »

A new tracking URL page is now live.

Code: Select all<YOUR ORDER NUMBER>
It will generate a page like this.

track1.JPG (57.75 KiB) Viewed 32232 times

The tracking number will only be visible after the order has been posted. Typically this is within three days. You should always check your tracking link at least once a week. All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
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