Most of the passive components installed. Waiting on 33 ohm resisters. Thought I ordered 40 but when they arrived they were 3.3 ohm. They would most likely be ok but still waiting for the memory card so I'll wait for the 33's.
PaulJ wrote: ↑Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:18 pm
I have to come up with a better handle...?? I like Rubber_jonnie... You have to have lived in a UNIX would to put an under score in your name!!
Funnily enough I lived for a very long time in DOS and then Windows, but it pre-dates even that, as it was my somewhat unsavoury nickname (I don't know why to this day!) at school.
Though I started adding in the underscore out of habit I suppose, because a lot of OSes don't play well with spaces in file and directory names.
I do a lot more UNIX/Linux type stuff these days though
Collector of many retro things!
800XL and 65XE both with Ultimate1MB,VBXL/XE & PokeyMax, SIDE3, SDrive Max, 2x 1010 cassette, 2x 1050 one with Happy mod, 3x 2600 Jr, 7800 and Lynx II
Approx 20 STs, including a 520 STM, 520 STFMs, 3x Mega ST, MSTE & 2x 32 Mhz boosted STEs
Plus the rest, totalling around 50 machines including a QL, 3x BBC Model B, Electron, Spectrums, ZX81 etc...
My thought also about the _. I'm an a certified windoze hater. I'd rather write hand coded assembly for intel than be forced to operate in a sewer.(windoze). I've spent most of my life working in a UNIX or UNIX derivative os, HP-UX, Linux, OS9, SunOS, SYS5 and others. Then I was forced into the windoze sewer!.. Its like running a race in a formula 1 car and have it replaced with a broken kiddies push car!.. I just can't articulate my disdain of windoze... All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
These were the after lunch pictures. Moving right alone. Haven't put the video connector on.. attempting to decide if I'm going to hack it on the board or just make a "special cable".
PaulJ wrote: ↑Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:20 am
These were the after lunch pictures. Moving right alone. Haven't put the video connector on.. attempting to decide if I'm going to hack it on the board or just make a "special cable". All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
I guess I'm a little slow. It wasn't obvious to me how to easily use it. It looks like it takes two video female connectors?? If I just wire from the board to the bad side and put the connector on the good side it would be a bitch to mount.. I'm most likely missing something obvious..