It boots.

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What did I do? First of all I assembled the board completely, so that it had the YM2149, WD1772 and two logic chips U40 and U8 that were missing back in place.
That didn’t have any effect. I found posts about IPL2 and RDY on the GLUE being low, but none of them got an answer. I suppose nobody knows the answer. As far as I can tell it is a symptom of the GLUE reacting to some other, unknown problem.
The trace on RAS0, pin 8 on the MMU, was corroded through so I repaired it with solder and a bit of wire. No boot.
I tested the resistance on RP2 and got open circuit on every pin. I thought that was weird and that I would replace it when I eventually have the parts.
The CPU is not in a socket but in strips of round pins. The contact is not very reliable. I decided to solder all the address pins in place. I powered it up and everything that was stuck high or low was oscillating, so I connected up the monitor and got the GEM desktop. The picture quality seems very good compared to most ST's I have seen.
It was a lot of work but it was worth it to rescue a largely empty board previously used for parts.