exxos Falcon RTC low profile version. 2022.

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exxos Falcon RTC low profile version. 2022.

Post by exxos »

falc_rtc.jpg (8.11 KiB) Viewed 1817 times

The exxos low profile RTC module is a replacement for the failing Dallas RTC modules in the Falcon computers. It offers all the functionality of the original with the bonus of having a removable battery. The low profile version is smaller than previous gen exxos RTC modules.

The module is fitted into the low profile socket and is the same height as the original Dallas module.

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Fitting is simple. You need the low profile socket and the exxos low profile RTC module

You must use a sharp knife and cut the middle bar away from the socket. Do not use cutters as they will widen the socket as you cut often breaking the socket!

1.jpg (141.75 KiB) Viewed 1817 times
You must glue some card or preferably plastic on the underside of the metal shielding above the RTC module if refitting else if it touches the top of the battery, it will short it out!

Useful software links.

Xcontrol pack by exxos

Other RTC software NOTE not all software is compatible with the new module!



Headers do not look soldered properly ?
Some people have expressed concern about the headers not being soldered in correctly. This is by design. In the images above, you can see the solder "bumps" on top of the module are causing the battery holder not to lay flat to the PCB (production modules are not like that!) . As such, there is little solder on top of the headers. These are via holes and I assure you, there has been ample solder flowed "inside" the hole and was done under extreme magnification. Of course all modules are tested before dispatch.

Can I solder the module directly into the motherboard ?
I don't recommend it. It is technically possible but the pins will not protrude totally though the motherboard and the module may not lay flat. As a lot of people damage tracks unsoldering the old Dallas chip, it is beneficial to have a socket there.

My Falcon does not boot with the new module ?
Did your Falcon boot before ? Normally people have damaged tracks while un-soldering the old Dallas module, in which case your Falcon needs professional diagnostics and repair.
Secondly. If the floppy light is flashing extremely fast for a second, then stops for a second, then flashes fast again, then the Falcon is failing to talk to the RTC module. Again normally track damage, or battery not fitted.
Also check the RTC software page on how to reset the RTC module on power up.

Can I use a different socket ?
I do not recommend it. Other sockets will be different dimensions and may not be good enough quality for a reliable contact. The sockets in the store are recommended. If you use a different socket, then you are on your own if your Falcon doesn't boot with it.

Time / Date settings are not saving ?
Check you are using the correct RTC software such as the Xcontrol pack which is tested working.
Check you do not have a flat battery (or it's shorting to the top shielding)
Check you do not have track damage to the RTC.

Time / date saving but not changing / advancing ?
Check you are using the correct RTC software such as the Xcontrol pack which is tested working. Reset the RTC module with software in the RTC software link. Remove the battery for 60 seconds and refit it and try again. Some RTC software disables the internal oscillator, causing time clock to advance.

Can you fit it for me ?
Short answer no. I get asked every couple of days to do such work and I just do not have time to run the store and do repairs / upgrades. I may take on the odd board or 2 during the year if I have a bit of free time and the person isn't going to start nagging me when he/she/other doesn't get their machine back for several months.

I screwed it up, can you fix it all for me ?
See the above question. Plus diagnostics and repair can take many hours to do. The cost of the work likely will total 100's if I take on the work. I suggest asking on the forum for people who may be able to help.

What battery do I need ?

Can't you supply the battery ?
No. Batteries need special handling and paperwork which just isn't worth the trouble for a 50p item. Plus some countries are refusing packages with batteries. So in order to save everyone headaches, I do not ship batteries.
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