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Logical or what?
I'm wondering if you can help or point me to a web site. I still use my 1040 for recording music on Cubase and need to know how to import the files into Logic on a Mac. Even just getting the files onto a PC would be a help...

Is there a program for this that you know of?

Many thanks,

Simon Power

Tim replies:
Yes...there is a site, my own:-) I have created a page for this very subject as I get lots of mails on this, so I like to direct them to the FAQ page:

On this page are other FAQ page links as well. For more on Mac issues, please visit Hallvards FAQ pages, as he deals specifically with this. The Atari Quick FAQ is also good.

The other concern however, is that your Cubase files are in standard MIDI file format. If not, you might need to run Cubase, load the ARR file and then save as a MIDI file. I don't think Logic imports Cubase ARR files! Since you still have your Atari, this should not be a problem. Just copy the finished MIDI files onto a DOS-formatted 720 KB disk. Then you can load it into your Mac.

Hope this helps!


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MyAtari magazine - M@ilbox, September 2002

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