CODETEXT EXTENSION - No docs so no idea what its for
? |
CONTROL - Control Extension V3.0. Adds some very nice
screen,port,zone,etc commands to STOS. |
CONVERT 3 ACB. Allows you to change STOS program files
so that they use a different extension letter.  |
STOS to play Cyber SEQ files. The BEE SEQ is included with some STOS rouce
code examples. |
Extension and examples included. |
CAD SEQ - 22 cyber sequences for use within stos! |
CONTROL EXTENSION v3.5A by Les Greenhalgh (demo) -
A Shareware STOS extension which adds 55 new commands to STOS Basic. Perhaps
the main feature of this extension is a replacement sprite engine for STOS
which works on the large hardware scrollable screens of the STE. There are
also commands which support the 'extra' joystick ports on the STE, allowing
you to write four player games for the STE and use the Jaguar joypad. Other
commands allow you to add a switch construct to STOS, get around the strings
bug and define up to 65536 zones! If that's not enough, you can remove the
screen borders,control the parallel port and much more. Full STOS source
and a number of graphic font files are also included on disk. No STOS programmer
should be without this disk. Please note that some of the commands are STE
specific. |
EXTENSION - v1.00 by Andy Cato and Martin Cubitt - A simple but effective
extension which allows you to replay CyberPaint SEQ animations from within
your own STOS Basic. Also included is the compiler extension so that you
can use the commands in your compiled programs. A number of SEQ files are
included along with example basic programs. Please note that some of the
supplied animations need 1 Meg. |
ERRORBASE V1.0 - Find out what all those error numbers are from within
stos with this ACB. (c) MARTIN WRIGHT 1992 FOR ST FORMAT
EXTRA EXTENSION v3.26 by Martin Cubitt - A massive collection
of 57 new commands for use in your STOS Basic programs. Many of these will
prove invaluable to STOS programmers. New commands allow you to format text,
return the GEMDOS and TOS version numbers, receive data from the cartridge
port, read the values of standard cookies in the cookie jar, determine the
state of various keys, set up the printer, get disk format info, detect
a write-protected disk, copy and format disks, perform a screen dump, swap
screen hertz rate, unpack
compressed files and more..... |
EATFISH - Eatfish Demo screen by Andy Cato.The original Stos code from
EAGLE EX - Eagle Extension. Allows some functions to
run on the MFP! Things like screen fades and effects to run at the same
time as code is running. So you can run sreen fades and music at the same
time for example without using STOS's FADE instruction which would prevent
your code from continuing until the function had finished. unfortunatly
its a unregistered version so it spams the editor a lot :( |
BRYAN - Various source code & 68000 code from EDDIE_BRYAN |
EXTENSION DEV BY NeilH - Assembly source code for an
extension that never got finished. It's got some really cool routines in
it, including a simplified STE Hardware scrolling routine, that basically
you just send it the dimensions of your map, and it does everything for
you - probably handy for non STOS coders too. Full docs included. |
EXTENSION SELECTOR. It lets you switch on or off any
STOS extensions by renaming prior to loading STOS Basic. This way, you only
load the extensions you need, thus freeing up more memory in which to develop
your programs. |
EXTENSION SELECTOR. V2.0 July 94 By L.J.Greenhalgh
GBP - STOS Extension V4.7. GBP EXTENSION V4.7 by Neil
Halliday - A great STOS extension which adds numerous new commands to STOS
Basic. Features include turning on or off the disk drive lights (to pulse
in time with music), check to see if a printer is connected, set printer
configuration, return the status of certain keys, disable the ALT/HELP key
combination, unpack packed files created using most common packers, store
multiple files in a single memory bank, load and unpack PC1, TNY and CA1
picture files, mirror any area of the screen, play stereo sound samples
at up to 50khz on an STE, set the volume of samples replayed on an STE and
much more..... No compiler extension :-(
GODS - Andy Cato. One of the first demos I ever wrote
in Stos once I amended the Mod replay code to run under Stos instead of
using the Stos-Tracker extension. Sprites from Gods are there for you to
use as a sprite bank. |
GIF SHOW - basic by Andy Cato. |
- STOS Extension - Full Interpreter & Compiler Source by NeilH. Full
source code to a few extensions that I wrote between 1990 & 1994. Included
is the GBP extension, STE/Biltter Extension and also an unfinished extension
that dealt with hardware scrolling for the STE.
STOS V1.72 by Paul Jones and friends - An extension for STOS Basic which
lets you use GEM calls within STOS! Yes, you can use it to create window
based applications in STOS Basic, multi-tasking is even be possible as is
256 colour display on the Falcon. The intention is that GEMMA will eventually
become a complete re-write of STOS, for the meantime it consists of an interpreter
extension, a compiler extension and a replacement STOS Basic loader. Well
documented and worth a look. |
NINJA - Ninja Tracker Extension V1.05 - Great MOD player
for STOS. 5000,8500,12000,14000 or 21000hz playback
Ninja Tracker Extension v1.06 - LJ Greenhalgh (1995).
For 1mb STE/TT/Falcon. This extension allows you to play mods at up to 21khz in STOS in the background on any STE/TT/Falcon. It should be able to play any four channel protracker mods and the vast majority of chip music formats available. v1.06 has a couple of additional new commands over v1.05:
Track unpack ADDRESS - unpacks a mod packed with Pack ICE over the top of itself
STRING=track name (ADDRESS) - gets the full name of a mod
NO BORDER 2.1. Removes bottom border with this small
easy to use extension. |
NETWORLD - for STOS! "unfinished" - no compiler
extension. Seems to be using STOS for TelNet using STiCK etc.  |
NEOCONV - by exxos, load up a GIF 87A image and convert
it to NEO for use in STOS.. |
ACB - STOS accessory written by Robert D. Cooper. There are 8 selections
on the menu, Delete file ,Rename file ,Scancodes ,Format ,Number Convert
, Set Keyspeed ,Set Function Keys,exit. |
STOS STE - STE Extension. Various BLITting commands
for the blitter! |
SOUND FX - 'SoundFX' v1.5 is an STOS accessory which allows complex sound
effects to be created and saved for inclusion into an STOS program.
SPEAKTEX - Get STOS to speak words with this simple
machine code program. |
SPECTRUM - STOS Spectrum 512 screen displayer |
SPECSHOW II- Spectrum 512 Display Code by NeilH. My
old code to display Spectrum 512 images within STOS. Routine works by installing
onto the VBL interupt, which means it returns you back to STOS so you can
do some other stuff. If I remember rightly you could get some very simple
sprites etc, music playing sort of thing, but the majority of the CPU time
is taken by the display routine. Included is the source code for the display |
SQUASH - Squasher, Compress any file. |
STARS- Extension By Lee Upcraft create those magnificent parallax star
fields with just a single command. Note there was a bug in the extension
in medium res. The extension was ported over to the Falcon extensions,
which were backwards compatible with the ST.
STE2 - Extension. Add extra joysticks & light guns,
play samples.. |
STE SOUND EXTENSION, - everything you need to play sound
samples on the STE. |
STOSPLAY, - Play Replay samples in STOS |
STOSPLAY.PRG - is a machine-code program for playing
Quartet modules by interrupt from within a STOS program |
SAMPLAY50, - by exxos, Plays a small WAV loop in STOS
using the STE sound extension at 50khz. Mono and Stereo. Runs in STEEM at
16mhz.. |
STEEM DETECTION - Steem detection within Stos by exxos.
Currently only works 100% with steem 3.2. |
SHIFTER3 - MULTI-Directional single plane shifter screen
by Neil R.Halliday of GBP software. (I can't get this to work, needs some
EXP extension ~exxos~) |
SNDH - player for STOS using assembly code in PRG format.
Note The missing link extension plays SND files so this route is probably
obsolete now. |
MAN - Manual in ACB format (runs in STOS) |
SNDH45SF -SndH YM2149 sound files from http://sndh.atari.org. Archive Version
4.5. Includes GEM player. These music files can be played in STOS via the
Missing Link MUSAUTO music commands. Note that these SND files are packed
with ICE packer so they need decompressing before playing, which can also
be done with the Missing Links DEPACK functions. |
commands to STOS  |
- BLITTER Extension, no docs. |
TRACKER, - play ABK tunes at 7,10,14khz. Includes docs and extentions plus
examples. |
SPECCODE is a machine code program which enables the
users of the STOS to show SPECTRUM (SPU) 
picture files from within the STOS environment. (512 colours for normal
ST's and 4096 colours for STE's)
STOSMAT V2.1 by Croft Soft Software - A simple STOS
ACB which allows you to format standard or extended format disks without
leaving STOS Basic. |
STOS BUDDY V1 - Windows based program by Stephen Earl.
A collection of various STOS basic program listings and related media, with
the ability to add new ones with relative ease. Currently there are 97 individual
STOS programs added. Full syntax highlighting for STOS listings, including
all STOS commands and 15 of the most popular extensions.Full STOS manual,
tutorials and related articles. Thanks to Tony Greenwood for compiling those.Full
documentation for 31 STOS extensions. Including the fully converted STOS
3D Manual. Almost 750 STOSSER Diskzine articles from all issues 1 to 29.
Everything but the most irrelevant articles(contacts, ads etc.) were included.42
articles from the Much STOS Gigazine disks 1 and 2.33 articles from the
STESTOSTerone Diskmag disks 1 to 4. May need a CHM viewer such as THIS
ONE. My win7 64bit chm viewer does not seem to work at all! |
STE Extension v4.0 (c)1991/92/95 - by Asa Burrows. Version
3.5 had a bug!
When using the STE's hardware scrolling command, the extension would only
scroll along to the 15th pixel before restarting the count again. This caused
a jerky movement within anything scrolling horizontally. v4.0 was found
in issue 1 of the SteStosTerone Magazine disk series, in which Asa had fixed
the bug. It's likely that not many knew about this version! Several docs
have been included, some are from STOSSER mag just to help give more detail
on using the various commands. |
After aquiring a 2 Meg STE through extreme good luck, I decided that the
time had come for STOS users to take full advantage of the STE's enhancements
(let's NOT mention the STE or BLITTER
extensions). After several weeks of extremely hard, fiddly work
and endless nights poring over inaccurate, badly written, apocryphal
documentation I emerged from my study tired, blood stained and
emotionally drained clutching the child of my genius - STEVIE WONDER
Andy Cato - Bootload3: This takes a .prg file and writes
it to your st floppy disk as tracks and sectors so nothing is visible on
the disk. You can add 3 lines of text and move it around the screen.
Andy Cato 68000 example.This is the 68000 code I wrote
to crack and file the game Ballistix.This was the 3rd game I cracked after
delving into assembler. First of it replaces the sector loading code of
the game with my own sector loading code then saves the data each time the
disk is read into a file with the filename based on the number of the sector
and the sectors read to drive B:\. (I think !) If you can find the original
untouched game then this should still work. |
Frontier: Andy Cato.Another intro, crack and trainer
for Elite II. Took a while to find the protection check, but it turned out
to be a change of only 1 byte. |
Logoboot: Andy Cato. Writes a small 4 colour image into
the bootsector which is displayed on inserting the disk. I've included a
few pictures and lots of pre-saved images (.log files). |
Res101: Andy Cato. Another cracked and filed game with 68000 code. Simple
intro and some ripped fileload code from the Andyload util by Andy the
FLOPPYSHOP LAN.22C STOS Basic Tutorial by Lozian. Fully
documents every command of STOS Basic. This disk has been designed to compliment
the STOS series being run in Floppyshop News from February 1990 onwards.
It is invaluable to anyone learning the language. You need STOS Basic in
order to use this disk. This program has been updated to run on the STE
and now has additional commands. Type MAESTRO or CREDITS at the command
prompt to access the extra features. |
FLOPPYSHOP LAN.75 A mixture of STOS programs including
1 game, 2 STOS accessories and a collection of BAS files. These programs
allow you to use synthesised speech in STOS Basic programs. Also on disk
are a number of Basic source codes from the Atari ST User STOS series. |
- A Shareware disk which contains 3 skeleton STOS Basic games for you to
extend, modify or complete. This disk includes ARMOURGEDDON, 45 CALIBRE
and PONTOON. All games are incomplete and intended as a study guide to STOS
programmers. |
- Another Shareware disk with 3 skeleton STOS Basic games for you to extend,
modify or complete. This disk includes F5, FUN and MOWER. All games are
incomplete and intended as a study guide to STOS programmers. |
3 by Ralph Effemey - Even more STOS source to play around with. SUBMARINE
- Take command of a submarine in this warfare simulation. LUNAR PENAL COLONY
7 - A strategic adventure set in Outer Space. ROBOACTIVE - Command a star
fleet and save the Earth. As usual, all games are incomplete and intended
as a study guide to STOS programmers.  |
Annett - A collection of STOS source code and articles on STOS, much of
which was published by the now defunct STupendous disk mag. There's also
an incomplete game which was being developed by the author. One level is
present and you can obviously add more
yourself. A digidrum demo with source code and some miscellaneous source
code with accompanying docs are also included. |
FLOPPYSHOP LAN.3903 A collection of useful bits and
pieces for STOS programmers. SPC 18 - An extension which allows you to load
and display compressed Spectrum 512 pictures within your own STOS Basic
programs. Two SPC pictures and an example program are also included. DIA
SHOW - Displays Degas PI1 pictures using a number of different effects.
DREHUNG - Flips a graphic screen upside down and back upright in a fraction
of a second. SCHMEIR - Bounces a graphic around the screen while playing
an AMOS soundtracker MOD file. You'll need the STOS Tracker extension |
FLOPPYSHOP LAN.3903 A collection of useful bits and
pieces for STOS programmers. SPC 18 - An extension which allows you to load
and display compressed Spectrum 512 pictures within your own STOS Basic
programs. Two SPC pictures and an example program are also included. DIA
SHOW - Displays Degas PI1 pictures using a number of different effects.
DREHUNG - Flips a graphic screen upside down and back upright in a fraction
of a second. SCHMEIR - Bounces a graphic around the screen while playing
an AMOS soundtracker MOD file. You'll need the STOS Tracker extension |
KTKDOS3 - From Tore Langeland Tangen, STOS Coders -
Atari ST Facebook page (April 2018): Also, having gotten my hands on a formatting
tool for STOS, I made a DOS "simulator". In addition to being
capable of formatting floppies in several formats, it can also copy files
between disks. Unfortunately I didn't know how to code a line parse at that
time, so each part of the command has to be separated by a return. |
NEWS1E - From Tore Langeland Tangen, STOS Coders - Atari
ST Facebook page (April 2018): Ok, I know a lot of people coded games on
STOS, but it did also contain tools for coding programs. Attached is a purpose
built "DPS" for a club I used to be a member of in my youth. It
contains a simple line editor and hard coded driver for printing on Epson
matrix printers. |
STOS BANK RIPPER v0.2 - by Tom (August 2018).
This was converted to STOS code from a utility originally written in C by
Hans Wessels called STOS MBK MAKER (July 2007). Tom added in extra bank
header types for the program to search for. Use Mega Depack on any compiled
program first, just in case it was compressed with ICE 2.4 or Atomik 3.5
for example. Please use responsibly! It should be a very useful utility
for those wanting to study how older STOS games were made. Original game
authors/designers/musicians who might have lost their original source, including
any artwork, music and sound assets from years ago can likely retrieve their
asset files this way too. |
CSV2STOS v1.00 - Michael Keenleyside (Dec 2021)
Written for users of Tiled & The Missing Link extension for STOS Basic on the Atari ST(e) platform. Tiled is a free map editor written for Windows, MacOS & Linux by Thorbjørn. Import a *.CSV file exported from Tiled into CSV2STOS, to create a Missing Link compatible world or landscape map. Export a *.CSV file from a Missing Link world map or landscape map made in eddy.bas to use with Tiled, with a few additional steps required. More info in the doc file on what to do!. |