exxos forum
My new forum dedicated to hardware support of my products and general
hardware issues.
The LaST Upgrade -
Guides to all my hardware upgrades for the Atari ST range of computers.
Web store -
Atari kits & upgrades, spares, repairs and much more.
The definitive STOS archives and most recent updates
Mags & CoverDisks -
ST format, Atari World, Atari Computing magazines and coverdisks
PD Archives -
Searchable & downloadable database of FloppyShop PDL
My Music -
All my Trance Techno type music I have created in past years - MP3 format.
Game Menus -
Automation, pompy pirates, medway boys, and more to come soon!
Mirrors -
A few un-ofical website mirrors. Mirrors were taken of sites either lost,
or in fear of being lost.
After supporting the Atari community for the best part of 30 years in
hardware fixes, upgrades, software preservation and more, please consider
making a donation.
Who is exxos.
Introduction of sorts.
Exxos publications
Various articles about all sorts of topics Atari and otherwise.